Category Archives: Eye Floaters Remedies

Natural Treatment for Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are the name given to the tiny specs that float across the eye and interfere with vision. It is thought that this condition usually comes about with old age but eye floaters can be present in people of all ages. Floaters are tiny little particles of protein that float across the vitreous humor and can be caused the actual vitreous humor becomes detached from the retina. Common treatments are often in the form of eye drops but how effective they are can vary from person […]

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A Healthy Diet Can Help Reduce Eye Floaters

There are many treatments that are used for eye floaters such as medications, surgery, laser treatment and regular exercise of the eyes. Although they can be effective they are not always successful and living with the condition of eye floaters can become something of a burden. By making some very simple lifestyle changes, living with floaters can become tolerable and in many cases they can actually disappear. Given that eye floaters generally appear once we reach old age, or at least occurrence is more frequent in those […]

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Eye Floater Remedies

Are you suffering from eye floaters? Maybe you aren’t suffering but are quite annoyed by the fact you can see floating objects in your field of vision. Eye floaters tend to affect millions of people so you’re not alone. They are generally more visible in brightly lit conditions and for some people, can make basic tasks like driving that much more of a challenge. People who say they experience eye floaters describe them as dots, cobwebs, organic, semi-transparent, from a few to dozens. Many folks will simply […]

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